Church@Work Conference 2013
26-27 April 2013
Conference runs from Friday evening 26th April to Saturday evening 27th April 2013
Cost: £75 (or just £50 if booked by 31st March)
Timings: 7:30pm Friday 26th April; All day Saturday 27th April.
Buffet lunch will be provided on Saturday, with a break late Saturday afternoon, returning for the final session Saturday evening.
Book your place before 31st March and save £25
At Church@Work Conference 2013 you will:
- Understand your kingdom calling to your work
- Gain practical tools to help you succeed at work and in business
- Learn biblical principles for the workplace
- Change how you see your career, your workplace or your business!
Fri 26 April, evening
Discover the biblical mandate for work
Andrew Brough
Did you know that your workplace is the most effective mission field where you can fulfil God’s call on your life? Discovering the biblical mandate for work will liberate you to walk out a kingdom purpose every day through your work.
Sat 27 April
Business as Mission
Andrew Brough
If you lead or work in a business, it will take you into places and relationships that will not be reached by others. Seeing business as a vehicle for discipling the nation will change the way you work, use finances, and relate to others.
Work and Local Church
Daniel Ghinn
For workplace-based Christians to play their role as members of the body of Christ, they must be rooted in local church, equipped, and sent out into their daily ministry. When this happens, the whole church will touch the whole community.
Transformational leadership
Andrew Brough
Transformational leadership starts with seeing your workplace, community, or nation through God’s eyes. When you discern what the needs around you are, you can start to apply principles that change lives and systems through the kingdom of God.
In Saturday afternoon’s workshops you will apply biblical foundations to relevant workplace settings. Each workshop will be led by seasoned, workplace-based experts who have a kingdom heart for their sector and will apply practical experience to biblical principles. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and learn together.
Workshop Session 1: Choose one of the following four workshops
Transforming Lives Through Education
Led by: Estelle McCabe & Becky Ashdown
The Education sector is at the heart of our communities, touching families, business, and government and shaping the paradigms and destiny of every new generation. How can Christians in education use their role to transform lives?
This workshop, led by Estelle McCabe and Becky Ashdown, both teachers and pioneers of a new Free School for Maidstone, will draw on personal experiences and a kingdom-inspired vision for education.
Kingdom Accountability in Business
Led by: Andrew Brough & Daniel Ghinn
If God has called you into business or given you a gift to use in the workplace, how will you give account of what you have been given? Kingdom accountability in business is not only about walking in purity but also setting expectations, communicating, and taking responsibility for the execution of your strategy.
In this workshop, Andrew Brough and Daniel Ghinn will share personal experiences and introduce a ‘Kingdom Boardroom’ approach to accountability.
Relating to Local & National Government
Led by: Paul Darling & Suzanna Darling
How can or should the church relate to government, and what is the role of government in discipling the nation? Considering these questions will help you to relate to and pray for government effectively.
This workshop is led by Father-and-Daughter duo Paul and Suzanna Darling, who work in national and local government.
The Kingdom of God and Social Media
Led by: Dan Maudhub & Darren Eagles
The digital age of the Internet, mobile and social media is transforming global communication and relationships between people and organizations. With social media, news and views can spread around the world in an instant. What is the role of social media in the kingdom of God, and how can Christians in the workplace be wise about the digital age?
Dan Maudhub and Darren Eagles will explore our relationship with social media, building on their experience devising social and digital campaigns as Directors of The Wonderful Creative Agency in Maidstone.
Workshop 2: Choose from one of the following
Transforming Lives Through Healthcare
Led by: Dr Tony Jones
What does healthcare look like when the kingdom of God touches it? How can Christians in healthcare touch lives beyond medicine?
In this session, Maidstone-based Doctor Tony Jones will explore some opportunities and challenges from his own experience as a GP.
Biblical Principles for Financial Management
Led by: Andrew Brough
A biblical approach to financial management is highly practical, affecting how you budget, manage debt, and pay people, as well as your giving.
In this workshop, Andrew Brough will share principles for walking in financial freedom.
Equipping the Next Generation for the Workplace
Led by: Chris Williams
Digital natives, virtual working, a global workforce, and portfolio careers are just a few characteristics of the workplace that the next generation will enter, bringing new opportunities and challenges. In this session, Chris Williams, Founder of Young Entrepreneurs Business School, will explore why equipping the next generation is essential for the long-term effectiveness of the Church in the workplace.
How to Pray in and for Your Workplace
Led by: Daniel Ghinn
There is a biblical connection between our day-to-day working lives and how we pray. With discernment, our work can inform our prayers and our prayers can shape our work.
In this session, Daniel Ghinn will look at the role of prayer in the effectiveness of our mission at work.
Book your place at Church@Work Conference 2013 here